Pool side ab routine with wheels and home-made TRX bands

Amp up the core work with these two pieces of equipment. They are gems.

Ab wheels.

Alternate. Do a set with the ab wheels. Then move to the TRX-like ropes and do a set there. Then go back for the next round.

Hanging the bands, or loops, or TRX-like rope from the 3-meter diving board provides room for one athlete.

Simple nylon rope and rubber cut from an old tire inter-tube and tied down with a knot and extra duct tape for added softness and security.

Instructions and routine for the TRX-like ropes:

Insert feet and assume a push-up position with hands on floor, but legs able to sway.

We do five types of exercises:

  1. CRUNCHES (knees to elbows);
  2. PIKES (bottom up with legs straight; 
  3. TWISTS (with two knees going up side to one elbow):
  4. MOUNTAIN Climbers (running one leg at a time); and finally,
  5. WILDCARD (athlete gets to pick a new motion or repeat a prior one). Nice wildcard is one hand touches other shoulder. 
  • Week 1 = 10 reps. 
  • Week 2 = 15 reps.
  • Moving to 25 without stopping.


Style / Method / Motion

Reps with week 1

Ab wheels

Straight, out and back. 

10 reps

TRX-like Rope

CRUNCHES (knees to elbows)

10 reps

Ab wheels

Straight, out and back. 

10 reps

TRX-like Rope

PIKES (bottom up with legs straight)

10 reps

Ab wheels

Straight, out and back. 

10 reps

TRX-like Rope

TWISTS (with two knees going up side to one elbow)

10 reps

Ab wheels

Straight, out and back. 

10 reps

TRX-like Rope

MOUNTAIN Climbers (running one leg at a time)

10 reps

Ab wheels

Straight, out and back. 

10 reps

TRX-like Rope

WILDCARD (athlete gets to pick a new motion or repeat a prior one). Example wildcard is one hand taps opposite shoulder.

10 reps

About the author 

Mark Rauterkus

Swim, SKWIM and Water Polo coach and publisher in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Executive Director of SKWIM USA, a nonprofit advocate organization and webmaster to the International Swim Coaches Association. Head varsity and middle-school swim coach for The Ellis School. Former candidate for public office on multiple occasions.

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